Dora The Explorer Favors Wholesale CELEBRITY DEATH MATCH!! ERNIE & BERT-Sesame Street VS. DORA & BOOTS-Dora The Explorer Here...?!?

CELEBRITY DEATH MATCH!! ERNIE & BERT-Sesame Street VS. DORA & BOOTS-Dora the Explorer here...?!? - dora the explorer favors wholesale

In the red corner we have Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street.
In the blue corner, Dora and Boots Dora the Explorer.

Let's Get It On!

Well, what do you think this game is going to happen? Could you suggest a possible scenario for this game here? Who would win in the end? Ernie and Bert or Dora and Boots?

PS: If you have no sense of humor to answer, please do not .... I would like only to read hilarious as a possible answer. LoL! In addition, both are dynamic comic duo! You really encouraging!


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